I’m so excited!!! It has been a goal of mine for a couple years to be able to grow enough food to cover our family’s needs with enough surplus that we could create a free food stand. Now that day has come!!! We converted our secondhand lemonade stand to a free organic produce stand, which worked out perfectly. The selection isn’t that varied but there’s a good amount!
Within the first minute of wheeling it out there an older gentleman pulled over and we had a lovely chat; he was amazed by the squash varieties and was delighted to take some home. Then Josie and I had a good talk about how fresh organic produce is often the first cut if money is tight and how everyone should have access to good quality veggies, it is a human right.
Free food stands create community, teach our kids valuable lessons, and combat capitalism! Yay free food!!!
As I write this some young bicyclists are filling their baskets and laughing with glee.